Skateland USA in Clemmons
2512 Neudorf Rd. Clemmons, NC 27012
Daycare Bookings
Time: 1:00 - 4:30
Cost: $8.00 per person - Skate Rental FREE
These sessions are Public Skating Sessions
Available For: Daycare Centers, Church groups, & Summer Camps. No minimum number of children is required.
No advance deposit is required. Payment required at time of visit. We accept Cash or Credit Card for payment. No checks accepted.
Please enter your information below and select the dates you would prefer. You can book multiple dates on the same form.
No Food or Drink may be brought into the rink.
You don’t have to stay the entire session but it is better to cut the session short rather than come late.
Dates will be omitted when they become full, so book all the days you want early. We will limit the number of groups that can get this special rate.
Book your dates now on the form below. No advance deposit is required.
Schedule is subject to change.